Hi U14’s
Apologies for the delay. It seems the original didn’t post to this forum so I’ve made a new copy.
Well done to all of you out at AB Cup 3/4! Caitlin and I were impressed with all of you and your drive especially in your sprints! Let’s keep that going into our next races this weekend, and westerns!
Here’s what we have going on this week
Monday (13) No Practice
Take the night off after Alberta Cup!
Biathletes: You’ve got extra SCATT today, sign up for your spot here if you haven’t already.
Tuesday (14) Skate Ski @ CNC
5:00-6:30. Meet at the stadium. We’re going to go for a small adventure ski.
You need headlamps for this practice, and rock skis as we will be going into the dark for a decent junk in the back trails. The trails are in okay shape but best to take ones you are less fond of!
If you do not have your headlamp, you won’t be able to go into the back trails with us so please double check before you go. You should have it for all practices anyhow…
Thursday (16) Biathlon
4:45-6:15. Biathlon. Let’s prepare for Calforex this weekend with some race prep!
Saturday (18) Classic Ski @ CNC
1:00-3:00. Meet at the stadium.
Brrrr! It’s cold out! Our practice time will be warmer in the middle of the afternoon but still please dress appropriately today. Double buff and toque!
Sunday (19) Calforex 2
Biathletes see Calforex forum for details.