January 27- February 2

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    We are getting right into the heart of our race season now. It is important to stay focused and do all the small things well so that you can achieve your goals. There are some key things to keep in mind:
    1) If you are sick, do not train. Your body needs the time to get healthy and can not absorb the training if you are sick. As well, you are putting your teammates at risk of getting sick if you come to training.
    2) Always change your clothes right after training and racing (top and socks minimum). Sitting in wet, sweaty cloths will make you cold, slows your recovery and more likely to get sick.

    Training this week:
    Tuesday (28): T3/LC 4:45-6:45 Skate ski and strength. We will split in 2 groups as usual. T3s will start in the gym, LCs start skiing. Switch half way through the workout.
    Wednesday (29): NO Team Training
    Thursday (30): T3/LC 4:30-6:00 Classic intensity.
    Saturday (1): T3/LC 10:00-12:30 Classic distance at GOAT CREEK. Please meet in the Goat Creek parking lot at 10am

    “When you pay attention to detail, the big picture will take care of its self.”

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