Hello U14’s
Great to have all of you out to enjoy the real start to the ski season on Frozen Thunder, I hope you were all as excited to get out there again this week!
We’re back to a full spread of training, so here’s our plan this week:
Monday(23) Silver Tip Uphill Run (STUR) @ Silvertip.
STUR times from today:

5:00-6:15. Meet across Silvertip Tr. here at the start of the walking path. The STUR is a 1000m time trial for us to practice race day preparation, if you’re able to make it out please come!
We’re going to break down what makes a good warm up from 5-5:30 on the path, take a peek at the U16/18 starts, and have our first U14 starts going off right at 5:30. Once everyone has reached the top, we’ll jog down together and end with a cool down run until 6:15. We will end at the bottom of the walking path.
Here’s a quick look at the course for tomorrow:

Tuesday(24) Skate Ski & Run @ CNC.
5:00-6:30. We will do a split of 45min on skis, 45min on running. Drop your shoes off outside the team room, and meet with your ski gear on at start of the track by the range. With the firmer (hopefully) track in place we will focus a bit more on balance again. At 5:45, we’ll bring our gear back to the team room, a quick change to shoes and on to some running & games.
Thursday(26) Biathlon – On Skis! @ CNC.
4:45-6:15. Meet on the range ready to go for 4:45. With Frozen Thunder now in place, you’ll need a bit more time to juggle getting your skis to the track as well as your rifle. We’re going to return to body position now that we have our skis on again, and enjoy a couple games around the fence loop.
Please note: We are in full winter mode now, please make sure you are properly dressed for skiing and on snow shooting (it gets colder on the legs & body now laying down), and equipped with gloves.
Saturday(28) Run @ Cougar Creek
1:00-3:00. Meet at the Cougar Creek Parking Lot. We will go for a practice-long run through the Cougar Creek trails looking to get as continuous as we can, and talk a bit of technique at our rest points. Check the weather before we head out, with 1 bar for every hour and a full water belt.
“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi