Week of Sept 18

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    Justin Wadsworth

    Hello Track Attackers!

    The forum is back up and running, so from this point forward please check the forum for info on the week ahead. I will add the info for the coming week each Sunday (hopefully by 9pm), so check it out and email me with any questions after that.

    Last week was a great start-The kids listened well and had a good time getting in better shape without knowing it……That’s the goal for the dryland season, and we’ll keep up the tricks to get them running up hills and stairs without them knowing it!!

    This week both sessions will be meeting at waxroom #2 at 5:00 pm. Monday we’ll just need running shoes, water bottles, and most likely some warm clothes for later in the session for directly after.

    The second and third years TA’ers I would like to try some rollerskiing with on Thurs, but this can only happen if everyone has boots that fit (either NNN or Salomon compatibility will do), poles, and a helmet. The poles don’t need to fit perfect because we’ll be doing some basic skate technique and double poling, but they will need to be true xc ski poles. The reason for this is that the tips on almost all xc ski winter baskets are made with carbide steel tips, which will bite in and hold up to the beating on the pavement. For sure true rollerski tips are great, but it’s a lot to ask everyone to switch over to them for just a few sessions.
    Anyway, what I need to know is that most kids have boots and poles that will work. My guess is we can round up a few pair for those without, but if a majority doesn’t have the gear sorted out yet, we’ll just stick to running based training.

    So let’s say this, if you don’t have boots or poles that will work, email me by Tuesday and we’ll try to get it sorted. ytwads@aol.com is my email. If I don’t hear from you, then I’ll assume we’re ready to rock and roll on Thursday!

    Gear for 2nd and 3rd year TA’s for rollerskiing:

    Skate boots
    Skate poles
    Gloves, knee/elbow pads optional, but……

    Thanks much, and below is also all the info for the fall we sent in the letter last week.


    PS We will have one session for the ITA’s to try rollerskiing as well-It will most likely be Oct 2nd.

    Sept 11 TA starts at 5:00 CNC (Canmore Nordic Centre)

    Sept 25 Parents meeting 5:20 CNC –BWTC (Bill Warren Training Centre) Haig room

    Sept 30/Oct 1 Ribbon Creek Fall camp (2nd/3rd year TA only)

    Oct 14-Banff Day 8:30 am Hike Sulphur, eat (11:30) lunch, and swim (2-3 pm)

    Oct 16-Nov 12 No ITA (1st year) training

    Oct 23-27 Pre swap ski sale for TA families

    Oct 26 Frozen Thunder opens for skiing

    Oct 29 CNSC Ski Swap

    Nov 14 ITA’s back training (Mon and Thurs)

    Forum link: http://www.canmorenordic.com/cnscforum/viewforum.php?f=16

    Hello Track Attack Parents!

    We’d like to introduce ourselves, and give you all a little beta on the program that will be starting this coming Monday Sept 11th and running through until March.

    Intro to Track Attackers (1st year) will train dry-land Monday’s only through Oct 14th(Tentative Banff Day). At that point they take a 4-week break and resume Nov 14, and take part in both Mon and Thurs sessions through the winter. Second and third years TA’s will train both days of the week through the whole season.

    The on the ground coaching will be led by myself Justin Wadsworth. I was a former ski racer competing for the US Ski team, and then moved on to coach the US Ski Team, and more recently the Canadian National Ski team. My wife, Beckie Scott, competed for the Canadian Ski Team for many years. We have two children, Teo and Brynn.

    The main organizer, head of logistics, and communication of all good things will be Meghan Bryant. Meghan is a local business owner, athlete, awesome person, and mother of three, Heidi, Logan and Autumn. Her husband Aaron will be one of the coaches this year as well.

    The main goal for all Track Attackers, including the coaches and parents, is to maximize the enjoyment of cross country skiing through a fun and focused learning environment with the emphasis on creating a culture of community. We are not out to make everyone an Olympic racer, but racing will be part of what we do as a program, and will bring great fun along with improved skiing skills for your child. It’s all about fitness, fun and physical literacy!

    The majority of sessions will depart from the Canmore Nordic team wax room in the biathlon parking lot-Wax room # 2 , beginning at 5:00 sharp, and finishing at 6:30. Please be on time for both drop off and pick up. PLEASE check the forum (Link at the bottom of the page) to double check on the meeting place each session, as well as for other info that will be valuable for you and your child to know. (http://www.canmorenordic.com, click FORUM, Click Track Attack)

    For the fall dry-land sessions your child will need a good pair of running shoes (no skate or court shoes please), water bottle and carrier, as well as some warm clothes for when the sun goes down during training.

    We are looking for some coaches to help both for the dry-land sessions as well as the winter ski sessions. You don’t need to be a great skier, just enthusiastic and some basic knowledge of the sport. I will be having some technique clinics that any of you are welcome to attend before we get on snow, so fear not!!
    We know you all lead busy lives, so even committing to one day each week for coaching would be amazing! Please let either Meghan or myself know if you’re interested in helping out.
    There will be a mandatory parent meeting Sept 25th at 5:20 at the Bill Warren Training Centre Haig room (at least one parent / family). At that time we will discuss ski equipment, waxing, weather cancellations, Emergency Action Plans, race schedule, and anything else that will pertain to the ski season ahead. If you cannot make that meeting, we will send out the info afterwards, and if more info is needed, we can meet outside Track Attack time. Please bring your Volunteer Bond check to this meeting. The check needs to be dated: April 1, 2018 and made out to CNSC for $300/child in TA.

    One last piece of information I’d like to ask you to share with your child. For this program to work well, and for us to keep all of our great coaches enthused and able to do their best, it’s very important to have a discussion with your child about listening and paying attention during training. It takes an incredible amount of energy and focus away from the group when one or two individuals are not listening or distraction others. Please take the time before the first training session to have this talk-Thanks!

    Look forward to seeing you all soon!

    Justin and Meghan

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